Here, we'll list some of our favourites in books, websites, cat products, fun videos and more.
Cat Education Books
- Breeding Pedigree Cats - McGonagle and Vella. Second Edition, 2006. One of the premier resource books for cat breeders everywhere, now in its second edition with more photographs and exanded chapters.
Husbandry - Dr. Neils Pedersen, one of the bibles of cat breeding
and now out of print, this book was selling for up to $500, until it was
scanned and put online. Please note: chapters are all in .pdf format.
Cat Books for Entertainment
-The Hallmarks of Felinity, by Brooke McEldowney, well-known cartoonist. This book is now out of print, but you can enjoy it online.
Ultimate Cat Lover, wonderful gift idea, filled with heart warming
stories, trivia and delightful photos
Children's Book Sites
-The Reading Tub - A
wonderful site promoting literacy for children, and providing both reviews
and suggested reading for young book lovers.
Cat Sites for Amusement
- Car Breeding, What began as a misprint in a cat news post, became a running joke, added to several times by enthusiastic readers
- Polycaudal, or two-tailed cats - An interesting site detailing the physical presentation and genetics of this rare occurence.
kitty, annoy someone in your office by turning up the speakers
as kitty sings "Cats, I'm a kitty cat, and I dance, dance, dance."
Fascinating Feline Sites and Information
-Cats and World Mythology, a fascinating look at cats in the mythologies of Egypt, Scandinavia, Burma, the Orient and more.
-Folklore and mythology links, links to serveral sites dealing with folklore, wives tales, and mythology
-50 most amazing
cat breeds, an amazing video presentation of the 50 most popular
breeds, morphing from one to another.
Fun Stuff For Your Cat
-Catlivin, catnip, cat grass, and unique cat climbing units that utilize vertical space
-Woodruff For Pets, fabulous cat furniture, beds, custom made products
-Catteasersandmore, terrific selection of handmade cat teasers and other toys
-Therefinedfeline, cat furniture that is elegant enough for any home
-Live fish
cam, cats can watch fish in an aquarium, from 7am-11pm every day.
Owners can move camera angle.
Fun Cat Stuff For You
-Friendsfurever, a wonderful site for cat clothing. Shirts, handbags, sweaters, jewelry, garden/house flags
-Gift tags, printable sheet of Christmas gift tags with cat design
-Cat litter casserole, from the book Gross Grub by Cheryl Porter, a simple and simply revolting recipe for kids
-Cookies, for dessert after the casserole, cat poop cookies! Genuinely gross, but delicious.
-Stuff on my cat, hilarious site filled with pictures of cats dressed to the nines, willingly or not
-My cat hates you, humerous site of user submitted photos, showing cats expressions of displeasure
-Treadmill kittens, video of two kitties trying to get ahead in life, and not doing too well!
-Cats talking, one of the most hysterical videos around, two cats interacting with "voices" supplied by humans
-LOL cats, a whole
culture has grown up around this site where users add captions to cat photos
in LOL speak